Name: Bawah, Ayaga A
Date of birth: May 15, 1966
Birthplace: Navrongo, Ghana
Citizenship: Ghanaian


8/1998 - 5/2002
Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

PhD, May 2002, Demography
MA, May 1999, Demography

9/1994 - 8/1995
Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana

MA August 1995, Population Studies

9/1988 - 8/1991
Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana

BA(Hons) 1991 August, Geography and Resource Development


Associate Professor, Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra

Senior Lecturer, Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra

Research Affiliate (non-paid), Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA


Assistant Professor
Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York.

6/2011- 6/2015

Visiting Scholar
School of Public Health, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana. I was Assistant Professor at Columbia University and served as a Visiting Scholar during the period 2011-2015.

6/2011- 6/2015

Director for Research
Ghana Essential Health Intervention Programme (GEHIP). GEHIP wasa health systems strengthening programmefunded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation which was implemented by the Upper East Regional Directorate of Health Service to improve on health delivery through the CHPS programme in the region


Senior Research Associate

Berelson Fellow
Policy Research Division, The Population Council, New York


Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow and Head, Navrongo Demographic Surveillance System
A Population Council Fellow, New York, based at the Navrongo Health Research Centre, Navrongo, Ghana


Research Officer/Demographer
Navrongo Health Research Centre, Navrongo, Ghana


Mathematical Demography (POPS 618), Advanced Population Analysis (POPS 606) and Sources, Evaluation, and Adjustment of Demographic Data(POPS 601)

I currently teachthese three courses at the Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana. They are all Masters level courses.

Demographic Methods and Principles (P6615)

I taught this course in the Spring of 2015 and co-taught same in the Fall of 2012 and 2014. It is an elective course offered at the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health (MSPH), Columbia University

Introduction to Population Studies (PFRH 613) – University of Ghana School of Public Health 

While as a Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health visiting scholar resident at the University of Ghana School of Public Health between 2012 and 2015, I taught this course at the to MPH students at the School of Public Health.

Applied Demography in Public Health(PFRH702), University of Ghana School of Public Health 

This is required module that all PhD students enrolled at the School of Public Health at University of Ghana are required to take. It is a seminar course I offered to the PhD students and I used to teach the module on Applied Demography when I was a visiting scholar SPH.

Mathematical Demography (POPS 618)

Advanced Population Analysis (POPS 606), Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana

Between 2008 and 2011, I was part-time lecturer at the Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana, responsible for teaching this courses to MA students.

This is a required course for the Master of Arts degree in Population Studies. I taught this course for 2009 &2010.

Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, University for Development Studies, Ghana (1997-1998)

During the period 1997-1998, I was part-time lecturer teaching undergraduate courses in the Department of Environmental and Techniques of Resource Assessment.

Student Mentorship
:  I am currently co-supervising 7 PhD students 2 of whom I am the lead supervisor.  Also,during the period 2011-2015, I provided mentorship support to all MSPH students on practicum assignments in Ghana working with the Ghana Essential Health Intervention Program (GEHIP). Between 2012 and 215, I successfully supervised the dissertation of 10 MPH students at the School of Public Health, University of Ghana. All the 10 students successfully completed the programme.

Postdoctoral Mentorship
: I mentored, Dr Patrick Asuming, who worked under me as a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. I was then on the faculty of Columbia University as an Assistant Professor and Director for Research, Ghana Essential Health Intervention Program (GEHIP).  

External Examiner:

External Examiner, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. I served as an external Examiner of Mr Cho Kabudula PhD thesis titled “

Reader/External Committee Member (2014-2016), Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (STPHI), University of Basel, Switzerland: I served as external Reader/Evaluator of Dr Koku Awoonor-Willam, PhD, who has since received his PhD fromSTPHI.

External Examiner – Faculty of Commerce, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Since 2009 I have been serving as External Examiner, reviewing and grading Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Students’ thesis in Population Studies.


  • Director for Research, Ghana Essential Health Intervention Program (GEHIP): 2011-2015.GEHIP is a program of the Ghana Health Service in Upper East region which is aimed at improving health through CHPS using the six building blocks of the health system developed by World Health Organization for improving health delivery in the developing world. With funding from Doris Duke Charitable Foundation through Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, GEHIP works in collaboration with the Upper East regional health directorate and the University of Ghana School of Public Health, to improve health delivery using CHPS as the vehicle.Prior to implementation of GEHIP, we evaluated the CHPS program in order to determine the missing links and to fill those gaps through GEHIP implementation. As Director for Research, I led all the research, monitoring and evaluation efforts of GEHIP and provided feedback to the implementation team.

  • Head, Scientific Research Co-ordination, INDEPTH Network: 2006-2011.I was responsible for co-ordination all Scientific Research within the INDEPTH Network. The INDEPTH Network current has a total of 38 Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) sites in 19 countries across Africa, Asia and Oceania. INDEPTH’s mission is to harness the collective potential of the world’s community-based longitudinal health and demographic surveillance initiatives in resource constrained countries to provide a better, empirical understanding of health and social issues, and to apply that understanding to alleviate the most severe health and social challenges.

  • Berelson Foundation Fellow: May 2005-June 2006: The Bernard Berelson fellowship programme was a mid-level scientists fellowship awarded on a highly competitive basis resident at the policy research division of the Population Council in New York. In 2005, I was awarded this fellowship for a period of two years to be based in New York. I worked for a year in this position and resigned in 2006 to take up a Senior Research Scientist position at the INDEPTH Network in Accra commencing July 1, 2006.

  • Head, Navrongo Demographic Surveillance Unit: September 2002-May 2005. I was recruited as Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow by the Population Council, New York, and assigned to Navrongo to Head the Demographic Surveillance Unit. The Navrongo Demographic Surveillance System was initially set up to provide an independent mechanism for evaluating the impact of the Navrongo Community Health and Family Planning project which was aimed at testing different strategies to determine the best way to deliver health services to rural and impoverished communities in Ghana. As Head of the Navrongo Demographic Surveillance System (NDSS) at the time, I led a team of more than 30 field workers, 8 field supervisors, 2 Research Assistants and 1 Research Officer, to collect data on demographic and health events such as pregnancies, births, deaths and migrations in-and-out of the district for the purposes of evaluating the CHFP and other health interventions that were ongoing at the project area.

  • Research Associate, African Census Analysis Project (ACAP): 1998-2005. ACAP was large effort at the University of Pennsylvania to create a data repository of all census data from Africa and to create the space and resources for students and faculty and researchers from Africa to undertake scholarship and research on Africa to inform policy and dialogue. It was a joint initiative of the Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania and African research and governmental institutions. This was to allow for collaboration with various African governments and research institutions at archiving and analyzing African census data, both at national and sub-national levels, in order to inform appropriate policy interventions on the continent. I served as a Graduate Research Assistant on the Project between 1998-2002 and became a Research Associate between 2002-2005.

  • Demographer, Navrongo Community Health and Family Planning Program (CHFP): 1996-1998. I was the Demographer responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the Navrongo Community Health and Family Planning Project (CHFP), which was adopted and christened Community-based Health Services and Planning (CHPS), the national program for delivering health services to all communities in Ghana. As Demographer for the CHFP in Navrongo, I worked with Community Health Nurses and the project team during the trial phase to ensure that all components of the service regimes were adhered to and helped in evaluating the impact of the program on family planning uptake, health and survival. We conducted both quantitative and qualitative interviews to generate data for evaluating progress of the project. In addition, I was also responsible for overseeing and monitoring the Management Information System (MIS) and the field operations of the demographic components of the CHFP project.

  • Research Assistant, Navrongo Health Research Centre (NHRC): 1992-1994.I worked as a Research Assistant at the NHRC. My initial responsibility was to help collect and analyse data on child survival and health in the Guinea Savannah zone of northern Ghana, which was funded by the International Development Research Center (I.D.R.C) of Canada. The final report of this project was submitted to IDRC (see reports below). At the end of the IDRC funded project, I was assigned direct responsibility of leading a team of field workers in collecting longitudinal data on the health and demographic profile of the population of the Kasena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana. During this period, I acted as the head of the NDSS, with a direct responsibility for supervising the collection and analysis the data for two years.



UN Consultant



United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York. 

I served on a UN Expert Group to review issues related to estimation of adult Mortality in developing countries. The objective was to provide advice on new data requirements and methods to improve the estimation of adult mortality in data deficient settings. The group met over a one week period in New York to review, discuss and make recommendations to the UN for improving demographic estimation of adult mortality in developing countries. At the conclusion of this exercise, we submitted a report to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

Consultant, International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)


Consultant: International Union for the Scientific Study of Populations (IUSSP)

I served as an expert to IUSSP to undertake a Technical Assessment of the Teaching of Technical Demography in Anglophone Africa, and to make recommendations for improving the training of Technical Demography in Africa. Over a period of one year, I reviewed teaching curricula and staffing situations in Demography training institutions in Anglophone Africa and prepared a report which I submitted to the IUSSP. At the end of the contract, I submitted a report to IUSSP and made a formal presentation on the report to a High Level Group inThe Hague on March 26, 2009.



Consultant, African Census Analysis Project (ACAP), University of Pennsylvania, USA


The African Census Analysis Project which was based at the University of Pennsylvania. I worked there as a Research Assistant while as a PhD student. Subsequently, I was contracted after my doctoral studies as Consultant to coordinate joint research between ACAP and the INDEPTH Network. ACAP archived large volumes of African Census data while the INDEPTH Network coordinated the development and collection of longitudinal surveillance data.



WARILab (UDS) (June 2014 to date)

WARILab (West Africa Resilience Innovation lab) is the West African chapter of the ResilientAfrica Network (RAN), is a partnership of sub-Saharan African and American Universities led by Makerere University in Uganda with the aims of strengthening the resilience of people and systems in Africa by leveraging the knowledge, scholarship and creativity that exists in partner universities to build resilience of target communities. The Network is supported and funded by the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Office of Science and Technology (OST).  I serve as a consultant advising on data collection for evaluating programs of the West African lab.

INDEPTH Network (Oct 2013to date)


UNFPA Consultant  Oct-Dec 2016


Consultant, KOICA-Ghana (Since November 1, 2016 to date) 


Consultant, UNFPA-GHANA (Since Nov 2019-todate)

INDEPTH is an international network of field stations involved in demographic and health research in selected developing countries of Africa and Asia. Currently, INDEPTH has field stations in 25 countries. As consultant, I advise the network data collection and methods for evaluation health and social programs in these field stations.


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Accra, Ghana. Contracted by the UNFPA Ghana Country office to review the 6th Government of Ghana (GoG)/UNFPA programme in order to provide lessons learned for the 7thGoG/UNFPA programme which starts in 2018.   


Korean International Cooperation Agency Evaluation Advisor supporting the Navrongo Health Research Centre to evaluate their project on Improving Community-based Primary Health Care through strengthening of Ghana’s Community-based Health Planning and Services Programme (CHPS+).


To support the National Development Planning Commission of Ghana to develop a Youth Development Index for Ghana



September 2016
Member (Social Scientist), Technical Advisory Committee on Clinical Trials in Ghana, Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Ghana

June 2015 - Jan 2017
Member, Tamale Teaching Hospital Governing Board, Tamale, Ghana
Provided professional advice and oversight to the management of the hospital

January 2017

Member, Strategic Advisory Committee, Ghana Health CHPS+ Programme

December 2016

Member, Project Steering Committee, Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)funded programme to support Government of Ghana on improving Ghana’s Community-based Health Planning and Services CHPS) programmed dubbed CHPS+

Committee Member, Continuing Epidemiological Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa(2010-2013), United States Academy of Science (NAS) Link to report of committee ( The Committee consisted of global experts in Epidemiological and Demographic Transitions with a 3 year mandate to research Epidemiological Transitions in sub-Saharan Africa and their implications for health systems responses

Institutional Review Board (IRB), Navrongo Health Research Centre, Navrongo. The IRB in Navrongo is an NIH certified institutional review board with Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) responsible for reviewing scientific research and ethical merits of research protocols for implementation at the Navrongocenter. Its membership is diverse, consisting of research scientists, academics, legal experts and traditional regulatory authorities. I represented the research scientists on the board.


African Population Studies, Editorial Advisory Committee
A scientific journal published both online and in hardcopy by the Union for African Union of Population Studies (UAPS). UAPS is professional scientific organization of demographers and other population scientists aimed at advancing knowledge in Africa

A General Demography of Africa, Editorial Advisory Board
A series of scientific publications utilizing African census data to empirically study the demography of Africa. It is based at the Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Member, Population Association of America (PAA), an international professional organization of demographers and population scientists

Member, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), an international organization of demographers and population scientists


Member, Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), an international organization of demographers and population scientists
Member, Health Systems Global Research Symposium (HSR)

Member, Consortium of Universities of Global Health (CUGH)



18 September 2018     Member, RIPS Management Committee, University of Ghana

20 August 2018          Member, Committee tasked to develop Anti-Bribery and Fraud Policy for University of Ghana

April 12, 2018            Member, Convocation Rep, University of Ghana Academic Board

August 1, 2016           Member, RIPS Rep, University of Ghana Academic Board

August 24, 2016         Member, University-Industry Liaison Committee, Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana

December 6, 2016      Member, Research Dev't Fund Review Committee, Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana

December 6, 2016      Chair, Resource Mobilization Committee, Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana                       



United Nations Training Fellow
Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana

Academic Excellence Awards
Best Student Award Technical Demography, Master of Arts Degree; Best Student Award Population and Development Inter-relationships, Master of Arts Degree; Best Student Award Dissertation, Master of Arts Degree and Overall Best Student Award for Master of Arts Degree, Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana

Training and Research Fellowship Award
Population Reference Bureau, Washington, DC

Compton Foundation Fellowship
Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania



Ongoing Grants

  • Principal Investigator: Assessment of Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) capacities: Generating and using evidence for policies in Ghana” Funded by World Health Organization (WHO). Grant # 2019/954607: Grant amount: $29,184.50

  • Principal Investigator (Ghana): “Implementation and impact evaluation of the Willows’ Reproductive Health Programs in Ghana, Pakistan, Tanzania and Turkey” (duration: June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2023). The overall goal of the programme is to conduct evaluation surveys and analysis that can be used to inform future programmatic decision-making both for the Warren Buffet Foundation and Willows International. Grant amount $1,621,559.39

  • Co-Principal Investigator: DDCF Grant #2016107 (Co-PIs: James F. Phillips, John Koku Awoonor-Williams &Ayaga A. Bawah); Duration: April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2021: Grant Title: “A National Program for Strengthening the Implementation of the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Initiative in Ghana: CHPS+.”This goal of this project is to scale-up a successful health system strengthening program that was implemented by the Co-PIs during the period 2009-2015 funded by the same donor. Grant amount $1,658,491.20

  • Co-Investigator: Grant title: Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities, Wellcome Trust Grant, together with Professors Samuel Agyei-Mensah and George Owusu (University of Ghana) and Majid Ezzati, Imperial College, University of London. Grant amount: £539,000.00

Previous Grants

  • Co-Investigator: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Grant 2009058B (PI: James F. Philips) Title: “Population Health Implementation Training (PHIT) Partnership Grant: The Ghana Essential Health Intervention Program.” This project was plausibility trial that tested the impact of different strategies of health delivery on childhood survival (5 million USD): 2009-2015

  • Principal Investigator: Understanding the demographic and health transitions in developing countries using health, health systems and demographic.” Funder: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, US$460,670 (2009-2011)

  • Co-Principal Investigator: Title: “Realising Rights: Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Poor and Vulnerable Populations” Funder: Department for International Development (DFID) £125,000 (1995-1999)

  • Co-Principal Investigator: “Team for applied research to Generate Effective Tools and Strategies for Communicable Disease Control (TARGETS).” Funder: Department for International Development (DFID), £166,164 (1995-1999)

  • Co-Principal Investigator: “Evaluation of Reproductive Health Interventions at INDEPTH Sites.” Funder: Hewlett Foundation, US$1,000,000 (2008-2010)


PUBLICATIONS: Google Scholar h-index 21; Research Gate (RG) 23 (Calculated April 21, 2020)


Accepted but pending publication

Bawah AA
, Sato R, Asuming P, Henry EG, Agula C, Agyei-Asabere C, Canning D, Shah I. 2021. Contraceptive method use, discontinuation and failure rates among women aged 15-49 years: evidence from selected low income settings in Kumasi, Ghana, Contraception and Reproductive Medicine Henry EG, Agula C, Agyei-Asabere C, Asuming P, Bawah AA, Canning D, Shah I. 2021. Dynamics of Emergency Contraceptive Use in Accra, Ghana. Studies in Family Planning.


Original, peer reviewed articles

NCD Countdown 030 collaborators, Bennett JE, Kontis V, Mathers CD, Guillot M, Rehm J, Chalkidou K, Kengne AP, Carrillo-Larco RM, Bawah AA, Dain K, Varghese C, Riley LM, Bonita R, Kruk ME, Beaglehole R, Ezzati Met al., 2020, NCD countdown 2030: pathways to achieving sustainable development goal target 3.4The Lancet, Vol: 396, Pages: 918-934, ISSN: 0140-6736

Henry EG, Hackett CM,  Bawah AA, Asuming PO, Agula C, Canning D, Shah I. 2020. The impact of a personalized, community-based counselling and referral programme on modern contraceptive use in urban Ghana: a retrospective evaluation, Health Policy and Planning,  czaa082, Kweku M, Manu E , Amu H, Aku FY, Adjuik M, Tarkang EE, Komesuor J, Asalu GA, Amuna NN,

Boateng LA, Alornyo JS, Glover R , Bawah AA, Letsa T, Awoonor-Williams JK, Phillips JF, Gyapong JO. 2020. Volunteer responsibilities, motivations and challenges in implementation of the community-based health planning and services (CHPS) initiative in Ghana: qualitative evidence from two systems learning districts of the CHPS+ project. BMC Health Services Research 20, 482 (2020).

Henry EG, Hackett M, Bawah AA, Asuming PO, Agula C, Canning D, Shah I. 2020. The impact of a personalized, community-based counselling and referral programme on modern contraceptive use in urban Ghana: a retrospective evaluation. Health Policy and Planning. 1–10. doi:10.1093/heapol/czaa082 Oh J, Kavanagh MM, Gottschalk K, Subramanian SV, Shibuya K, Hirschhorn LR, Alonso C, Torres I,

Awoonor-Williams K, Hoang VM, Bawah AA, Tran GH, Kachur SP, Sáenz R, Artaza O, Kwon S, Nam EW, Choi JW, Lee JK, McKee M, Gostin LO. 2020. Announcement of launching the JGHS commission on COVID-19 response.   Journal of Global Health Science. (Commentary) Jun;2(1):e20.

Asuming PO, Bawah AA, Kanmiki EW, Phillips JF. 2020. Does expanding community-based primary health care coverage also address unmet need for family planning and improve program impact? Findings from a plausibility trial in northern Ghana.   Journal of Global Health Science June;2(1):e18.

Haykin LH, Francke JA, Abapale A, Yakubu I, Dambayi E, Jackson EA, Aborigo R, Nonterah EA, Oduro AR, Bawah AA, Phillips JF, Heller DJ. (2020). Adapting a nurse-led primary care initiative to cardiovascular disease control in Ghana: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health Kweku M, Amu H,1 Adjuik M, Manu E, Aku FY, Tarkang EE, Komesuor J, Asalu GA, Amuna NN,

Boateng LA, Alornyo JS, Glover R, Bawah AA, Letsa Timothy, Awoonor-Williams JK, Kachur SP, Phillips JF, Gyapong JO. 2020. Community Involvement and Perceptions of the Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Strategy for Improving Health Outcomes in Ghana: Quantitative Comparative Evidence from Two System Learning Districts of the CHPS+ Project, Advances in Public Health,

Kalifa JW, Biney A, Kushitor M, Awoonor-Williams JK, Bawah AA, Phillips JF. (2020). Community perceptions of universal health coverage in eight districts of the Northern and Volta regions of Ghana, Global Health Action, 13:1

Sheff MC, Bawah AA, Asuming PO, Kyei P, Kushitor M, Phillips JF, Kachur P. (2020). Evaluating health service coverage in Ghana’s Volta Region using a modified Tanahashi model, Global Health Action, 13:1 Kweku M, Amu H, Awolu A, Adjuik M, Ayanore MA, Manu E, et al. (2020) Community-Based Health Planning and Services Plus programme in Ghana: A qualitative study with stakeholders in two Systems Learning Districts on improving the implementation of primary health care. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0226808. Nefa SA, Ibrahim AM, Mulushewa SS, Wonga MM, Lee HY, Siyum GA, Amentie MA, Chebo AF,

Birhanu BG, Battle J, Hiluf MK, Kebedom AG, Gobezayehu AG, Robins A, Bawah AA, Subramanian S, Oh J. (2019) Study design for the 2019 baseline survey of newly established longitudinal surveillance woredas as the field lab to serve child health improvement project of Benishangul-Gumuz region, Ethiopia.  Journal of Global Health Science 1(2):e51.

Edmund Wedam Kanmiki, E.W., Bawah, A.A., Akazili, J., Agorinyah, I., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F., & Kassak, K.M. (2019).Unawareness of health insurance expiration status among women of reproductive age in Northern Ghana: implications for achieving universal health coverage. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 38:34

Sulemama, A., Bawah, A.A., Nettey, O.E., Anane, E.A., Zandoh, C., et al. (2019). Potential gains in reproductive-aged life expectancy if maternal mortality were eradicated from the Kintampo districts of Central Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19 (1): DOI: 10.1186/s12884-019-2515-0

Kushitor, M., Biney, A.A.E., Wright, K., Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., & Bawah, A.A. (2019). A qualitative appraisal of stakeholders’ perspectives of a community-based primary health care program in rural Ghana. BMC Health Services Research 19(1): DOI:10.1186/s12913-019-4506-2

Agula, C., Mabe, F.N., Akudugu, M.A., Dittoh, S., Ayambila, S.N. & Bawah, A.A. (2019). Enhancing healthy ecosystems in northern Ghana through eco-friendly farm-based practices: insights from irrigation scheme-types. BMC Ecology 19 (1):38: DOI:10.1186/s12898-019-0254-8

Kanmiki, E.W., Bawah, A.A., Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.F.,  Kachur, S.P., Asuming, P.O., Agula, C., & Akazili, J. (2019). Out-of-pocket payment for primary healthcare in the era of national health insurance: Evidence from northern Ghana. PLoS ONE 14(8):e0221146: DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0221146

Bawah, A.A.
, Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Asuming, P.O., Jackson, E.F., Boyer, C.B., Kanmiki, E.W., et al. (2019). The child survival impact of the Ghana Essential Health Interventions Program: A health systems strengthening plausibility trial in Northern Ghana. PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218025.

Bawah, A.A,
, Phillips, J.F., Walega, P., Wak, G., Asuming, .P and Oduro, A.R. (2019). Does the provision of Community Health Services Offset the Effect of Poverty and Low Maternal Educational Attainment on Childhood Mortality? Evidence from the Navrongo Experiment in Northern Ghana.”  SS Population Health.

A.A. (2019). Getting the right message out, at the right time, to the right audience.  Journal of Global  Health Science.

Bawah, A.A.
, Asuming, P., Achana, F.S., Kanmiki, E.W., Awoonor-Williams, J.K. and Phillips, J.F. (2019). Contraceptive use Intentions and Unmet need for Family Planning among Reproductive aged Women in Northern Ghana BMC Reproductive Health.DOI: 10.1186/s12978-019-0693-x

Phillips, J.F. & Bawah, A.A. (2019). The Contribution of Demography to Achieving Health for All in Ghana. Applied Demography Newsletter. Vol. 31, No. 2 

Kanmiki, E.W., Akazili, J., Bawah, A.A., Asuming, P., Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Oduro, A., & Aikins, M.2019. Cost of implementing a community-based primary health care strengthening program: the case of the Ghana essential health intervention program in northern Ghana, PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211956.

Kanmiki, E.W., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.,  Phillips, J.F., Kachur, S.P., Achana, S.F., Akazili, J & BawahA.A. (2019). Socio-economic and demographic disparities in ownership and use of insecticide-treated bed nets for preventing malaria among rural reproductive-aged women in northern Ghana. Plos One Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F. & Bawah, A.A. (2019). Scaling down to scale up: a strategy: a strategy for accelerating community-based Health Service in Ghana.” Journal of Global Heath Science. DOIx.php?id=10.0000/jghs.2019.1.e9

Chirawurah, D., Fishkin, J., Santuah, N., Siu, A., Bawah, A.A., Giles, K. & Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. (2018). Deliberation for Development: Ghana’s First Deliberative Poll. Journal of Public Deliberation, Vol 15, Issue 1

Kanmiki, E.W., Bempah, B.O.S., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.,  Bawah, A.A., d’Almeida, S.A. & Kassak, K.M. (2018). An assessment of a performance-based management agreement initiative in Ghana’s health service BMC Health Services Research.

Hedt-Gauthier, B, Airhihenbuwa, C.O., Bawah, A.A., Burke, K.S., Cherian, T., et al. (2018). Academic promotion policies and equity in global health collaborations. The Lancet. Vol.392, Number 10158, Nov 03, 2018

Agyei-Mensah, S, Bawah, A.A. & Gyeabour, E.K. (2018). Challenges of monitoring and developing environmental policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of air pollution and biofuels in Ghana. Toxic News, European Research Council.

Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Bawah, A.A., Nimako, B.A., Kanlisi, N.S., Shelf, M.C.,Asuming, P.O., Kyei, P.E., Biney, A. & Jackson, E.F. (2018). What do you do with success? The science of scaling up a health system strengthening intervention in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research.

Kanmiki, E.M., Bawah, A.A., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.  & Kassak, K. (2018). Moving towards universal health coverage: an assessment of unawareness of health insurance coverage status among reproductive-age women in rural northern Ghana LANCET Global Health, Volume 6, Supplement 2.

Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F. & Bawah, A.A. (2017). The application of embedded implementation science to developing community-based primary health care in Ghana. International Journal for Population, Development and Reproductive Health 1(1): 66-81.

Rwabukwisi, F.C., Bawah, A.A., Gimbel, S., Phillips, J.F., Mutale, W., Drobac, P., & AHI PHIT Partnership Collaborative. (2017). Health system strengthening: a qualitative evaluation of implementation experience and lessons learned across five African countries. BMC Health Services Research, 17(Suppl 3):826

Sherr, K., Fernandes, Q., Kanté, A.M., Bawah, A.A., Condo, J., Mutale, W. & AHI PHIT Partnership Collaborative. (2017). Measuring health systems strength and its impact: experiences from the African Health Initiative. BMC Health Services Research, 17(Suppl 3):827 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2658-5

Hedt-Gauthier, B.L., Chilengi, R., Jackson, E., Michel, C., Napua, M., Odhiambo, J., Bawah, A.A., & AHI PHIT Partnership Collaborative. 2017. “Research capacity building integrated into PHIT projects: leveraging research and research funding to build national capacity.” BMC Health Services Research , 17(Suppl 3):825 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2657-6

Bawah, A.A.
, Asuming, P., Debpuur, C. & Phillips, J.F. (2016). Child Wanted and When? Fertility Intentions, Wantedness and Child Survival in Rural Northern Ghana: Evidence from Longitudinal Surveillance Data. Studies in Family Planning, Volume 47 (3):  252–263(DOI: 10.1111/sifp.67)

Bawah, A.A.
, Houle, B., Alam, N., Razzaque, A., Streatfield, P.K., Debpuur, C., et al. (2016). The Evolving Demographic and Health Transition in Four Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from Four Sites in the INDEPTH Network of Longitudinal Health andDemographic Surveillance Systems. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157281. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157281

Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Schmitt, M.L., Tiah, J., Ndago. J., Asuro, R., Bawah, A.A. & Phillips, J.F. (2016). A qualitative appraisal of stakeholder reactions to a tool for the burden of disease-based health system budgeting in Ghana. Global Health Action, 9: 30448 -

Jackson, E.F., Bawah, A.A., Williams, J.E, & Phillips. J.F. (2016). Respondents’ Exposure to Community-based Services and Reported Fertility-Regulation Behavior: A Decade of Data from the Navrongo Community Health and Family Planning Project Studies in Family Planning, 47(1): 55-66

Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F., & Bawah, A.A. (2015). Catalyzing the scale-up of community-based primary healthcare in a rural impoverished region of northern Ghana. International Journal of Health Management and Planning: DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2304

Boyer, C., Jackson, E., Bawah, A.A., Schmitt, M., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., & Phillips, J.F. (2015). Estimating indices of health system readiness: an example from rural northern Ghana. The Lancet Global Health, (S14). doi:

Achana, F.S., Bawah, A.A., Jackson, E.F., Welaga, P., Awine, T., Asuo-Mante, M., Oduro, A.R., Awoonor-Williams, J.K. & Phillips, J. F. 2015. “Spatial and Socio-demographic determinants of contraceptive use in the Upper East region of Ghana” Reproductive Health, BMC: First published online: 12:29 (2 April 2015)

Akazili, J., Welaga, P, Bawah, A.A., Achana, F.S., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F., Williams, J., Aikins, M. & Oduro, A. (2014). Ghana’s Health Insurance Scheme: Is it really a pro-poor?” scheme? Evidence from northern Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 14:637

Bawah A.A.,
Welaga, P., Azongo, K.D., Wak, G., Phillips, J.F. & Oduro, A. (2014). Road Traffic Fatalities – a neglected epidemic in rural northern Ghana: evidence from the Navrongo Demographic Surveillance System. Injury Epidemiology, 1:22

Kanmiki, E.K, Bawah, A.A., Agorinya, I., Achana, F.S., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Oduro, A.R., Phillips J.F., & Akazili, J. (2014). Socio-economic and demographic determinants of Under-five mortality in rural northern Ghana. BMC International Health and Human Rights14:24 (21 August 2014)

Bawah, A.A.
, Phillips, J.F., Asuming, P.O., Bangha, M. & Vaughan-Smith., M. (2013). Does the Contribution of Women to Household Expenditure Explain Contraceptive Use? An Assessment of the Relevance of Bargaining Theory to Africa, African Population Studies 27 (2).

Hirschhorn, L.R., Baynes, B., Sherr, K., Chintu, N., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.,  Finnegan, K., Philips, J.F., Anatole, M.,  Bawah, A.A. & Basinga, P. (2013). Approaches to ensuring and improving quality in the context of health system strengthening: a cross-site analysis of the five African Health Initiative Partnership programs.  BMC Health Services Research13(Suppl 2):S8.

Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Bawah, A.A., Nyonator, F.K., Asuru, R., Oduro, A., Ofosu, A & Phillips, J.F. (2013). The Ghana essential health interventions program: a plausibility trial of the impact of health systems strengthening on maternal & child survival BMC Health Services Research13 (Suppl 2):S3.

Phillips, J.F., Jackson, E.J., Bawah, A.A., MacLeod, B., Adongo, B., Baynes, C &  J. Williams. 2012. “The Long-term Fertility Impact of the Navrongo Project in Northern Ghana”, Studies in Family Planning, 43(3): 175–190.

Oduro, R.A., Wak, G., Azongo, D., Debpuur, C., Wontuo, P., Kondayire, F., Welaga, P., Bawah, A.A., Nazzar, A., Williams, J., Hodgson, A. & Binka, F.N. (2012). Profile of the Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41:968–976.

Bangha, M., Diagne, A., Bawah, A.A., & Sankoh, O. (2010). Monitoring the millennium development goals: The potential role of the INDEPTH Network. Global Health Action. 3 (5517).

Kowal, P., Kahn, K., Nawi, Ng., Naidoo, N., Abdullah, S., Bawah, A.A., et al. (2010). Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration. Global Health Action Supplement 2, 2010. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5302.

Khan, P.K., Nawi, Ng., Naidoo, N., Abdullah, S., Bawah, A.A., Binka, F.N., Chuc, N.T., Debpuur C., Ezeh, A., et al. (2010). Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration. Global Health Action. Supplement 2: 11-22

Nawi, Ng., Paul, K., Khan, K., Naidoo, N., Abdullah, S., Bawah, A.A.,  Binka, F.N., Chuc, N.T., Debpuur C., Egondi, T., et al. (2010). Health inequities among older men and women in Africa and Asia: Evidence from eight health and demographic surveillance system sites in the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE study”.  Global Health Action. Supplement 2: 96-107

Bawah, A.A.
, Phillips, J.F., Adjuik, M.A., Binka, F.N., MacLeod, B.B., & Vaughan-Smith, M.N. (2010). Immunizations, poverty and child survival in Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 38: 95–103.

Bawah, A.A.
& Binka, F.N.(2007). How many years of life could be saved if malaria were eliminated from a hyperendemic area of northern Ghana? American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 77 (Supplement 6), 145-152.

Binka, F.N., Bawah, A.A., Phillips, J.P., Hodgson, A., Adjuik, M.A. & Macleod, B.B. (2007). Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: evidence from the Navrongo experiment in northern Ghana. Tropical Medicine and International Health, vol 12, 5: 578-583.

Baiden, F., Bawah, A.A., Biai, S., Binka, F.N., Boerma, T., et al. (2007). Setting international standards for verbal autopsy. Bulletin of World Health Organization, 85: 570-571. AbouZahr, C., Cleland, J., Coullare, F., Macfarlane, S.B., Notzon, F.C., Setel, P., Szreter, S., Anderson,

R.N.,  Bawah, A.A.Betrán, A.P., Binka, F.N. et al. (2007). The Way Forward.  Lancet, 29: 370 (9601):1791-9.

Phillips, J.F., Bawah, A.A., & Binka. F.N. (2006). Accelerating national reproductive and child health program implementation with research: The Navrongo experiment in Ghana. Bulletin of World Health Organization, 84: 949-955.

Baiden, F.A., Hodgson, A., Adjuik, M.A., Bawah, A.A. & Binka, F.N. (2006). Trend and causes of neonatal mortality in the Kassena–Nankana district of northern Ghana, 1995–2002. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 11(4): 532-539.

Bawah, A.A.
& Zuberi, T. (2005). Socioeconomic status and child mortality in southern Africa. Genus, vol. LXI, 1-2.

Noumbissi, A,, Bawah, A.A. & Zuberi, T. (2005). Parental survival and residential patterns in South Africa: In: The Demography of South Africa, edited by (eds) Zuberi, T., Sibanda, A. and Udjo, E, M.E Sharpe Publications, New York.

Bawah, A.A.
& Zuberi, T. (2004). Socioeconomic status and child mortality: An illustration using housing and household characteristics from African census data. African Population Studies, Supplement B (Population and Health Issues in Africa), vol. 19: 9-29.

Zuberi, T., Sibanda, A., Bawah, A.A. & A, Noumbissi. (2003). Population and African society. Annual Reviews of Sociology, 29:465-85.

Bawah, A.A.
(2002). Spousal communication and family planning behavior in Navrongo: A longitudinal assessment. Studies in Family Planning, 33(2): 185–194

Debpuur, C. & Bawah, A A. (2002). Are reproductive preferences stable? Evidence from rural northern Ghana. Genus, LVIII: (2):63-89.

Ngom, P., Akweongo, P., Adongo, P., Bawah, A.A., and Binka, F.N. (1999). Maternal mortality among the Kasena-Nankana of northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning, 30(2):142-147

Bawah A.A.
, Akweongo, P., Phillip, J.P. & Simmons, R. (1999). Women’s fears and men’s anxieties: The impact of family planning on gender relations in northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning, 30(1): 54-66


Pierre N and Bawah AA. 2004. INDEPTH Model Life Tables for sub-Saharan Africa, Publishers: Asghate Publishing Group, UK. (Co-author)

Bawah, A.A
. (2006)..Improving Health, Nutrition and Population Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of the World Bank. Washington, DC: The World Bank, Pp 300. Book review published in Population and Development Review, Volume 32, Issue 1. First published online: 23 MAR 2006


Book chapter

Bawah AA& FN Binka. 2019. “Describing Dynamic Populations: demographic data and method.” Palgrave handbook of Global Health Data for Policy. Palgrave Macmillan Publications. Pages 321-340. 


Accepted and pending publication

Phillips, J.F., Jackson, J.E., Bawah, A.A., Asuming, P.O., and Awoonor-Williams, J.K. (2019). The Fertility Impact of Achieving Universal Health Coverage in an Impoverished Rural Region of Northern Ghana, Gates Open Journal

Kanmiki, E.K., Aikins, M., Bawah, A.A.,  Apanga, S., Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., & Akazili., J. (2018). Cost of delivering primary healthcare services in Ghana: evidence from a three-year study of public primary healthcare facilities in seven districts of northern Ghana, Health Economics Review


Revised, resubmitted & awaiting final decision

Asuming, P.O., Bawah, A.A. Kanmiki, E.W. & Phillips, J.F. 2018. Does successful community health systems strengthening also strengthen family planning program efforts? Findings from a Plausibility Trial in Northern Ghana” BMC Health Services Research


Under Review

Kanmiki, E.W., Bempah, B.O.S., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Akazili, J., Achana, F.S. & Bawah, A.A. (2018). Assessing Ownership and Use of Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets for Preventing Malaria Among Reproductive-Aged Women in Rural Northern Ghana. Malaria Research and Treatment

Kanmiki, E.K., Bawah, A.A., Asuming, A., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.P., Agula, C, Akazili, J. (2018). Out-of-pocket healthcare payment in the era of national health insurance: a five-year study of seven districts in northern Ghana. BMC Research Notes

Biney, A., Kushitor, M., Wright, K.,  Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., & Bawah, A.A. (2018). “Being Ready, Willing and Able: Family Planning Discussions among Community Members in the Northern Region, Ghana” (QHR-2018-0483), Health & Place


Bawah, AA, Awoonor-Williams JK, Asuming PO, Boyer CB, Achana SF, Akazili J and JF. Phillips. 2017. “The child survival impact of the Ghana Essential Health Interventions Program:  A health systems strengthening initiative in a rural region of northern Ghana.” Population Association of America meeting held in Chicago, IL, April 27-29, 2017. Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.& Bawah, A.A. The Ghana Essential Health Intervention Programme. Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Vancouver, Canada, Nov 14-18, 2016. 

Bawah, A.A.
Session organizer and Discussant on. Context Effects on Reproductive Health and Fertility, Population Association of America meeting held in Washington, March 31-April 2, 2016, Washington, DC.

Bawah A.A.
, Asuming, P., Debpuur, C. & Phillips, J.F. (2016). Children Wanted and When? Fertility Intentions, Wantedness and Child Survival in Rural Northern Ghana: Evidence from Longitudinal Surveillance Data. Presented at the International Family Planning Conference, Bali, Indonesia, January 25-28,

Bawah, A.A.
, Asuming, P., Debpuur, C. & Phillips, J.F.(2014). Children Wanted and When? Fertility Intentions, Wantedness and Child Survival in Rural Northern Ghana: Evidence from Longitudinal Surveillance Data. Paper presented at the Annual Association of America meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. May 1-3, 2014

Bawah A.A.
, Phillips, J.F., Walega, P., Wak, G., Asuming P and AR Oduro.  2012. Can  Community Health Services Offset the Effect ofPoverty and Low Maternal Educational Attainment on Childhood Mortality? Evidence from the Navrongo Experiment in Northern Ghana.  Paper presented at the Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Beijing, China, October 31, 2012-November 3, 2012

Bawah, A.A.
, Welaga, P Achana, FS, Schmitt, M, Awoonor-Williams, JK. And J. F. Phillips. 2012. “Reproductive Preferences and Contraceptive Use among Women of Childbearing Age in Seven Rural Districts of Northern Ghana.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, California, USA, May 2-4, 2012.

Phillips, J.F., Elizabeth, F.,  Jackson, E., Bawah, A.A., MacLeod, B., Adongo, P & Baynes, C. (2012). The long term fertility impact of the Navrongo Project in Northern Ghana, Paper presented at the International Conference on Family Planning and Development, Accra, Ghana, January 18-21. 

Bawah, A.A.
, Jasseh, M., Clark, S., Punpuing, S., Diagne, A., Sharrow, D.J., and Sankoh, O. (2011). Estimating Adult Mortality in Africa and Asia Using INDEPTH Data from Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April, 2011.

Phillips, J.F., Jackson, E.F., Bawah, A.A., Adjuik, M.A., Adongo, P., and Mbacke, C. (2009). The long term fertility impact of the Navrongo Project in Northern Ghana.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Population Association of America, Detroit, Michigan, April 28-May 2.

Phillips, J.F. & Bawah, A.A. (2007). The application of demographic surveillance systems to monitoring the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.  Seminar of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) entitled “Taking Stock of Data Needs and Monitoring for the MDGs in Developing Countries,” Rabat, Morocco, January 25-27, 2007

Bawah, A.A.
& Phillips, J.F. (2005). Does women's relative income predict contraceptive use in Ghana? An assessment using bargaining theory.  International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) XXVth International Population Conference, Tours, France, July, 2005

Binka, F.N., Bawah, A.A., Phillips, J.F., Macleod, B.B., & Mian, B.H. (2004). The role of childhood mortality in fertility transition in a rural Sahelian district of northern Ghana. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April, 2004

Bawah, A.A.
(2002). Living Standards, Household Size and Childhood Survival in Africa: Evidence from Census Data. Presented at the Population Association of America Meeting, Georgia, Atlanta, May 9-11, 2002.

Bawah, A.A.
(2000). Husband-Wife Communication and Subsequent Fertility Planning Behavior: A Longitudinal Assessment from the Navrongo Panel Study System, paper presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, March 23-25, 2000.

Bawah, A.A.
& Zuberi, T.(2000). Using Own-Child Procedures to Estimate Childhood Mortality: The Case of Zambia, poster presented at the Population Association of America Annual    Meeting, Los Angeles, March 23-25, 2000.


PhD students completed

Name of studentGeorge P. Wak
Thesis Title:
Maternal Migration and Under-five Mortality in the Kassena-Nankana East Municipality and Kassena-Nankana West Districts of Ghana

Name of student: Abubakri Sulemana
Thesis Title:
Relative Risk of Women Dying from Maternal, Infectious or Non-communicable causes in Kintampo, Ghana: A Competing Risks Analysis

Name of student: Desmond Klu
Thesis Title:
Antenatal and Postnatal Health Services Uptake and Contraceptive use among Women in Ghana

Name of student: Christian Naa Momo
Thesis Title:
Caesarean Section Deliveries in Ghana: Trends, Disparities and Influencing Factors


PhD students currently being supervised  

Name of studentDoris Ottie-Boakye
Thesis Title: 
Social Protection Initiatives and Access to Quality Healthcare among Older Persons in Ghana – Evidence from Mampong Municipality (submitted, under review)

Name of student: Akua Dankwa Obeng-Dwamena
Thesis Title:
Alcohol Use and Mental Health in Ghana

Name of student: Ernest Kekeli Bobo
Thesis Title:
Quality of Maternal Health Seeking Behaviour and Pregnancy Outcomes among young Women in Ghana

Name of student: Dr. Stephen Apanga
Thesis Title:

Name of student: Charles Agyei-Asabere
Thesis Title:


MA Students completed

Name of student: Sarah Mensah Asantewa
Thesis Title:
Household Headship and Child Survival in Ghana


MA students being supervised

Name of student: Michael Foli
Thesis Title:
Household Characteristics and Maternal Mortality in Ghana


Students supervised at University of Ghana School of Public Health

 Name and Index Number:  Nafisatu Sulemana, School of Public Health, University of Ghana
Title of Dissertation: 
Barriers to the use of contraceptives among married women in Paga, Upper East Region
Year Completed: 

 Name and Index Number: Elfreda Angangmwine Abudu, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation:
Prevalence of Stigma and Discrimination in People living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in the Jaman South District of the Brong Ahafo region
Year Completed:  

 Name and Index Number: Dr Noah Lartey, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation: Determinants Of Low Birth Weight In The Greater Accra Region Of Ghana
Year Completed:  

 Name and Index Number: Roseline Doe, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation: Male partner involvement in maternity care in Ablekuma South District, Accra, Ghana
Year Completed:  

 Name and Index Number: Rita Ama Narlyn Wurapa, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation: 
Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness Among Pregnant Women in Hohoe Municipality
Year Completed:  

 Name and Index Number: Millicent Okletey, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation: Family Planning Method Choice among Married Women in the Gomoa West District

Year Completed:  

 Name and Index Number: Rita Attoh-Okine, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation: The of insecticide Treated Bed nets Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at LEKMA Hospital

Year Completed:  

 Name and Index Number: Ameh Emmanuel Ogbada, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation: Determinants of risky sexual behaviors among Senior High School Students in La Dade-Kotopon 2013

Year Completed:  

Name and Index Number: Sefe Phyllis Deladem, School of Public Health, University of Ghana 
Title of Dissertation: Use of long lasting Insecticide Bed net (LLIN) among pregnant women in Ga East Municipality of the Greater Accra Region

Year Completed:  

Name and Index Number: John Israel
Title of Dissertation: The role of sex education in sexual behavior of teenagers attending Senior High Schools in Legon Area, Accra

Year Completed: